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PHONE: 613-748-9613


Dr. Ronan Foley
Associate Professor
Div. Hematology and Thromboembolism
Department of Medicine
Juravinski Hospital and Cancer Centre
Hamilton, ON

Dr. Gail Rock
Chair - Canadian Apheresis Group
Ottawa, ON

Dr. Katerina Pavenski
Laboratory Medicine
St. Michael's Hospital
Toronto ON

Dr. Vincent Laroche
Directeur de la banque de sang
Institut universitaire de cardiologie et pneumologie de Québec
Ste Foy, QC​

Dr. Susan Huang
London Health Sciences Centre
London ON

Dr. Louis Girard
Foothills Medical Centre
Medical Director of Apheresis
Calgary, AB

Dr. Christina Fraga
Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre
Apheresis Unit/Medical Day Unit
Victoria General
Halifax, NS
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